Lab 3. Installing Vagrant? Be sure you have enough space on your HDD

Because I prefer to use Linux instead of Windows, at the beginning I decided to install everything on Linux.
I had already installed NodeJS and Virtual Box, however I have updated the software as well as installed Vagrant.
I could install and run Brackets without any problems, however I had problems with running Vagrant.I was able to solve some of them, however finally I got npm issue and just decided to switch to Windows.

Starting everything on Windows from scratch, I have easily installed and run Brackets, but still had to spend some time on Vagrant. To be honest, I have not checked HDD for a while and later I understood the problem why I could not run successfully Vagrant -I had low disk space on my HDD. After that, I deleted some files and got enough space to install Vagrant. The process of installation was pretty easy and I did not have any problems.
After that I successfully run Thimble on my local machine and now I am working on fixing the bug I have chosen.


Finally, I have decided to write some tips that can save your time when you are installing Vagrant:

1. Be sure that you have enough space on your HDD (I would advice not less than 5 GB)
2. Get newest versions of software you are supposed to use to run Thimble
3. If you work on Linux, download and install apps directly from official web-sites(not sudo get-apt because some of the software is not updated)

I hope it will help somebody to solve the problem

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